8 Ball Pool EasyVictory Rooted Apk Free Download Latest Version For 8 Ball Pool
8 Ball Pool EasyVictory Working On Android Or Desktop Emulator 100% Free EasyVictory Cheto Hack Rooted Version Free Apk Download 2024
📣 Attention all Easy Victory users! 📣
We are thrilled to announce that we are working on a major update for Easy Victory! This update is set to revolutionize your gaming experience. 🚀
The new update will eliminate the need for different tricks to avoid matching with cheater opponents. That's right, you'll be able to enjoy fair matches without any worries! 🎱
But that's not all! We've also tackled the issue of coin reset. With this update, you won't have to worry about your coins resetting. Your hard-earned coins are here to stay! 💰
This is going to be the biggest update we've ever released, and we can't wait for you to experience it. However, please note that this update will only work on rooted Android phones. So, get your rooted devices ready! 📱
Stay tuned for more updates. We appreciate your support and patience as we work to make Easy Victory better for all of you. Game on! 🎮
🎉 Special Announcement 🎉
For a limited time only, enjoy our latest version of Easy Victory absolutely FREE! Download now and experience all the new features and improvements without any cost.
The new update will eliminate the need for different tricks to avoid matching with cheater opponents. That's right, you'll be able to enjoy fair matches without any worries! 🎱
Important notes:
- To avoid matching with hackers enable "detection bypass" from 8 ball pool settings.
- This update will only work on rooted android devices!📱, we are working on the non root version, stay tuned!
- It supports 8 ball pool v55.4.3 and v55.5.0.

You can login with a public Easy Victory account:
Username: free_ev
Password : 123123123
🖥Steps To Use Easy Victory In Memu emulator🖥
⚙️ Emulator Setup:
1. Create new fresh instance android 7.1 64bit
2. Download ev + 8bp apk on your pc desktop
3. Before opening emulator make below settings
- Render Mode : Open GL 🔘
- Root More : On 🔘
To use autoqueue change resolution: Customize & W : 1080 x H : 2208 x DPI : 423
📌Don't change device model or anything & leave profile tab default
📌Make sure you install memu play in C drive else you will get root error.
📌if you still get root error then install memu play v9.0.3 from below link
✅ Open the emulator now after saving all the above settings and install 64 bit game apk and easy victory app.
Enjoy ✨
⬇️Download Links ⬇️
🔗 Memu:
🔗 8 BALL Pool Game 64 Bit -
Click here for more 👇
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